BoaT Ride!

Last week I went for a boat ride with my friends!
What a great way to spend the weekend after a long tiring week.
I had an essay and a folio due during that week, plus i had to move out from my old place too.
i hate PACKING!! UnPaCKING stuff is worst! my room is still so messy XD lol
It costs $90 per person. I think it was quite a good deal. It would have been cheaper if there's more people, but we could only get 5 people! anyways, we stayed a night in the boat. They provided us karaoke, fishing n bbq equipments too.
The boat looks small, but inside is quite cozy. hehehehe

and the story goes like this......

games, ninja, scenery, poses, karaoke-ing, monkeys... :)
From left to right: Darwan(our driver), Davin, Arie, Albert, me, Evan

yeah.. we were just posing!!! hahaha
some of them really tried driving the boat though

Ohh, this one is sooooo fun! We were pulled by the bigger boat. hehe

What a great way to spend the weekend after a long tiring week.
I had an essay and a folio due during that week, plus i had to move out from my old place too.
i hate PACKING!! UnPaCKING stuff is worst! my room is still so messy XD lol
It costs $90 per person. I think it was quite a good deal. It would have been cheaper if there's more people, but we could only get 5 people! anyways, we stayed a night in the boat. They provided us karaoke, fishing n bbq equipments too.
The boat looks small, but inside is quite cozy. hehehehe

and the story goes like this......

games, ninja, scenery, poses, karaoke-ing, monkeys... :)
From left to right: Darwan(our driver), Davin, Arie, Albert, me, Evan

yeah.. we were just posing!!! hahaha
some of them really tried driving the boat though

Ohh, this one is sooooo fun! We were pulled by the bigger boat. hehe

ni2s @ 1:56 PM

Rio's Graduation @ Macquarie University [24th September 2007]
My cousin finally graduated from Macquarie Uni!
Hoho, the campus is sooo nice... it's so... OUCH trying to compare it wtith UTS :'(
Anyways, my cousin, Rio wanted me to be his photographer of the day.
Hoho, the campus is sooo nice... it's so... OUCH trying to compare it wtith UTS :'(
Anyways, my cousin, Rio wanted me to be his photographer of the day.
and I agreed.
I borrowed Andra's Canon D400 though. I thought i would need to zoom zoom thats why i borrowed his canon. I'm quite liking canon now, bt still prefer nikon for sure!
I really need a zoom lens!! Planning to buy Nikon AF-S 70-200mm F2.8 VR bt so expensive man... gonna save money first. heheheh
So here are the photos
I borrowed Andra's Canon D400 though. I thought i would need to zoom zoom thats why i borrowed his canon. I'm quite liking canon now, bt still prefer nikon for sure!
I really need a zoom lens!! Planning to buy Nikon AF-S 70-200mm F2.8 VR bt so expensive man... gonna save money first. heheheh
So here are the photos

Rio's family (from left): Adi, Rio, Aunt Nining

As usual.. I've always love snapping photos from the back. :)

Rio's bro, Adi purposely chose a girl-y looking bouquet of flowers for him. Lol, he's so funny. He wanted to tease Rio with the color.

Spot Rio's name!!!

The prof @ macquarie uni givin' some speech...

Some chinese guy playing flute! he's kewl. gosh, i want that flute!

Pics of Rio.....

Rio n his mom.....

Gawd.. i love this one. Doesn't it like the photos u see in the uni booklets or sth? X))

more photos of Rio..... lol

more... alalalalalala

Rio n d prof..

Rio n his friend....

Rio.. Rio.. Rio...

yessss, finally me and aunt nining! lol!!!

That's all about it folks!
cheers ;)
ni2s @ 11:18 PM

Internet... BROADBAND finally?
Aw... I still can't bliv i've been living with dial up for this past 7 months!
I dont know how did i survive. But oh well, its over now!
I just moved to The summit in George street, currently sharing with two other people.
One Indon (Arie) and a Vietnamese (My)
New room, new roomies and internet (ADSL 2!).
Now i can blog more often! hehehehe
ni2s @ 12:07 PM

I've been ping pong-ed here and there in my communication subject. -__-"
Damn whoever fault was it. The guy who was assigned to teach us maya wasn't properly briefed of what he's supposed to do. They also wouldn't give him access to UTS online for some reason.
And so, this is what happened....
We were divided into 2 tut groups.
my group has been taught more about animation. (actually im kinda glad this happened as i've always wanted to learn maya) However, it's kinda crazy coz we are expected to do whatever the other tut group supposed to do. I was confused for a few weeks damnit...
i knew what the other group was doing, but when i asked my tutor he was telling me not to worry as we are not doing the same thing.
I did listen to him.
The end product of this maya thing was about creating some weird and bizarre building generated from the turtle script or a more complex one should i say called the l-system by mapping any kind of variable.
Unfortunately, my tutor misunderstood the brief and thought we were supposed to map the variable in the interior of the building given (which infact, there isn't any EXISTING building given! it's just an empty site area for us to design on)
in the FIRST week, he asked us to create the site model to hand in the week after that. Funny because none of us asked anything... No wonder there was so much of confusion happening. Since my tutor thought that we do have an existing building shell, he meant to just asked us to create a 3d one with maya. and this is what i created...

It's supposed to be a longitudinal section btw, thats why its missing the 2nd floor XD didn't have enuf time...
SECOND week, he asked us to experiment with the particle/hair /fluid system in maya. He taught us a lil bit of scripting with 'aa_turtle'. Its a stewpid turtle that u can control to move around and draw lines or curves. Anyway, i chose to do the hair system by using maze as a concept. hmmm, it's an animation actually, the hair didn't show up when i render this because i just figured out how to do it recently.
SECOND week, he asked us to experiment with the particle/hair /fluid system in maya. He taught us a lil bit of scripting with 'aa_turtle'. Its a stewpid turtle that u can control to move around and draw lines or curves. Anyway, i chose to do the hair system by using maze as a concept. hmmm, it's an animation actually, the hair didn't show up when i render this because i just figured out how to do it recently.

uh- huh, then i proceeded with the interior of the building i created in the first week.
We were required to design 3 spaces in the building in the brief; an exhibition gallery, office space and an auditorium.

Everything just seemed to contradict after that.... I saw what the other group was doing n it was nothing like mine. it's not even in an ARCHITECTURAL FORM.
I started to bombard my tutor with mails. It was so funny -__-"
we were so formal at first... with a proper
Hi ____
but then it became more like chatting thru emails. lol
Sigh.... everything was much clearer to him after that...
We had been drifted off our main destination but in the end have to reach the same destination as the rest. The l-system and the turtle thing drove me crazy alrite. it took me hours to understand those things. The other tut group has been learning those things for weeks n i had to figure things out myself. Luckily i have a genius Chinese friend who worked with me in the com lab everytime i went there XD
Anyways, it's kinda cool coz our tutor taught us about rendering animation and etc in our last class as an extra thing. So i upgraded my maze thingy to this :) check em out!
ni2s @ 4:32 PM

Learning basic maya....
Glad i have the chance to learn a lil bit of maya :)
somehow we are required to learn maya for architecture in uts.. yay
here's something simple i did.
Nisita :)
ni2s @ 6:35 PM

wINTEr HoLiday
Monkey Moe no like winter. So Monkey Moe moves a lil north west from aus to migrate temporarily during the winter holiday.
First to Singapore to meet her sis
Then to Jakarta to meet her mom n a few relatives
Next to Bali to meet her fellow monkey named kourosh and her papa gorilla
and had a screwed up family reunion there.... apart from that, i really had fun ^^
And now back in Jakarta again. Planning to go around Jakarta on bicycle with Josh Groban Indo n probably with some of his friends too. We r gonna have a crazy day!! woohooo!
Anyways... 2nd sem gonna start soon end of this month.. sad =(
I'll post about Bali soon!
Cheers (^.^)/
ni2s @ 10:49 PM

Meet my new friend
Photos by dralion Josh Groban Indo with canon 400D ^^
Event: Pylon adventure!
Event: Pylon adventure!
mesmerized by Sydney's Harbour bridge....

pose pose! im d star....cie cie :)

Attention! listen to mua... ahemm hem....

kukukukakakakikikikik... auOoOoOoOO!!

Meet my hand! name's mo3y!!! ^^

ni2s @ 4:26 AM

Random Pic from BIG camp 2007 =)
Wokay...I've missed alot of events that i could have blog about..
So i'll just post some random pics n let em tell the story ;p
Here we go!
Event: BIG CAMP 2007
Random pic #1
Random pic #2
Just keep walking....
Random pic #3
Flower growing from dudu's hand ^^
Random pic #4Our fav photo spot with Yola as d model ;p
ni2s @ 3:06 PM